Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Last post for a few days

Hi Gang... Well i figured that i better do a post before i go into the hospital. I will be going in tomorrow at one and not sure how long i am staying for. They have told me to pack for five days! I cant decide to pack for all those days or maybe pack for three and hold onto my wishful thinking. Ahh well, ive been mad about it, upset about it, frusterated and now well just accepting it for what it is! I will be doing a chemotherapy I.V. tomorrow so cross your fingers and hope that all goes well.

Today was my last day of school, SPRING BREAK YIPPEEEEE!!!! We had a fun day, looking at pond water under microscopes! The kids were so surprised at what we all found :) good way to end the week and head into spring break.

Hope everyone is doing well.... I wont be able to post while I am gone, but I will keep in contact with Mom and Dad so........ I better go pack. Love you all, Keep your heads High- hopefully this is almost over.


Friday, April 10, 2009

Hi Gang

Okay i suck at this posting thing!!!!! When i get home all i want is my bed and latley some pills to help with the pain. BUTTTT i successfully completed a whole week of double treatment! Cant say I am looking forward to finishing up this round and then maybe doing it all over again, but i did make it through! Been on a lot of pain killers and then got a nice shot in my butt. My blood count dropped by 12 yesterday so my doctor was a little worried. I told him that it was probably because i have not slept all week due to the pain. It is hard to get comfortable enough to fall asleep when your doing all you can to stop the tears from falling. So he said bend over! I said well thats a little rude lol then he filled me in on the shot i was about to get in my butt. I told him he should probably explain before he tells you to bend over :) Anyways it sure did help and the pain has been good tonight. Went and watched a basketball game, and now am sitting at home going to read a book. I hope everyone is doing well.... School is as busy as always!

Brian and Colin I heard that the play is amazing, I hope you guys have an amazing last Night and enjoy your party. Wish i could be there to see it! I hate missing them all.

Welp... i think thats about it! Happy Easter to ALL... hope the Easter Bunny is good to everyone and your enoy the time with family. Love you all to pieces and cant wait to see you. Not much longer!!!! Keep your heads High


Tuesday, April 7, 2009


I want to start by saying sorry to those of you who have written letters or emails and havent heard back from me latley. I have started my double chemotherapy and wow is the only word i can say right now. I am having a rough time; between being all drugged up, on a liquid diet and just trying to stay possitive, I have no energy left. Not to mention the 24 little rug rats that steal my heart and energy daily. So to summarize- treatment is really hard and I can only dream of the day they will tell me it is gone and i can eat everything i want, and sleep when i should be!

My school year is almost over! I was asked to give a speech at graduation but have declined. It is a complete honor and nice to know that you were picked and asked, but right now I am taking life, day by day and just cant commit to anything. I cant garantee right now how i will feel on may 1st or what will be going on in my life and the extra stress of putting together a motivating speech and getting up infront of thousands of people makes me sick to even think about! So i smiled, said thank you, explained my situation and declined.
I have had a parent in my class babysitting his son for the past two days! Interesting Yes, thankful for his commitment and desire to help his son and I out. It has made a little bit of a difference and I hope he continues to work hard at it. The things you learn dealing with students and their backgrounds. How nasty break ups can go, and yet no one see's how its affecting their children. How a lack of love, can lead a child to act out it many different ways, when all they really want is a hug and an I LOVE YOU! my heart is big and i wish so badly i could give those hugs. You just have to shake your head and learn what not to do!

Well i hope my drugs have not made this post confusing and all over the place. I tried very hard lol. Keep your heads high


Thursday, April 2, 2009

Hello Hello.....

Hi Everyone,

Well Life sure is busy right now! I now understand why growing up it always felt like your teachers were rushing at the end trying to fit everything in! LOL I HAVE BECOME ONE OF THOSE TEACHERS :) ahh well, what can you do. I have also noticed this year that my lack of sleeping at night brings upon these random late night GREAT ideas on fun activities to do with my students. I tend to make trips to walmart at 11 or 12 pm to gather supplies and then stay up until the wee hours of the night putting together examples and lesson plans. These grand ideas always turn out to be A LOT OF WORK! Sure wish i could just sleep and quit putting myself through this, but my kids just love them. Had one last night and today we made plant cells and animal cells out of play dough :) kids loved it and well I got no sleep............... Health wise I am having some hard days. I have been in a lot of pain the last week, and just cant seem to get rid of it so i can rest. I am on my five days off right now and will start double chemotherapy on Monday. I will be getting my same daily shot and adding on a chemo pill. My cancer spot is shrinking fast and my doctor wants to try to up the dossage of chemo to see if they can maybe get rid of my spot in the next month. I am really not going to feel well at all, but i figure a HARD MONTH is better than two months. Hopefully it will work, i cant wait to just get this part of my life over with and move on to bettter things!
I cant even begin to thank everyone for all the letters and gift packages. I love to read how everyone is doing. When your missing home it makes things a lot easier and puts a smile on my face daily, so THANK YOU!

I love you all, Keep your Heads High...
