Friday, April 10, 2009

Hi Gang

Okay i suck at this posting thing!!!!! When i get home all i want is my bed and latley some pills to help with the pain. BUTTTT i successfully completed a whole week of double treatment! Cant say I am looking forward to finishing up this round and then maybe doing it all over again, but i did make it through! Been on a lot of pain killers and then got a nice shot in my butt. My blood count dropped by 12 yesterday so my doctor was a little worried. I told him that it was probably because i have not slept all week due to the pain. It is hard to get comfortable enough to fall asleep when your doing all you can to stop the tears from falling. So he said bend over! I said well thats a little rude lol then he filled me in on the shot i was about to get in my butt. I told him he should probably explain before he tells you to bend over :) Anyways it sure did help and the pain has been good tonight. Went and watched a basketball game, and now am sitting at home going to read a book. I hope everyone is doing well.... School is as busy as always!

Brian and Colin I heard that the play is amazing, I hope you guys have an amazing last Night and enjoy your party. Wish i could be there to see it! I hate missing them all.

Welp... i think thats about it! Happy Easter to ALL... hope the Easter Bunny is good to everyone and your enoy the time with family. Love you all to pieces and cant wait to see you. Not much longer!!!! Keep your heads High



  1. Hey Sheryl
    Just trying to see how this posting work. Let me know if it gets to you. Love you lots, Aunty Dawn

  2. Hey Cool ---- I just figured this thing out and I am now up and running. And I even figured out how I can read my postings too. Wow I haven't been going to school for nothing :)
    Love you
    Aunty Dawn
